Stop Racism Save Humanity

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Our logo symbolizes peace (Frieden), where races fly towards a bright future


We Frieden, group no 07 have taken initiative to bring to you some different perspectives on Racism. 


Gist of the Script

The story moves around the main character “Raghav”, who is a village boy and from lower caste background. He faced secondary treatment due to his caste in school days. He moved to city and then abroad in the belief that there will be no differentiation there, but he found that racism exists at every place in different forms like “regionalism” and “skin color” etc. This made him realize that “racism” is an evil which has been plaguing our social and culture behavior. At the end he got ray of hope not only to see the racism but to face it.   

Note: The Stage play Scheduled on May 1


Racism is the belief that characteristics and abilities can be attributed to people simply on the basis of their race and that some racial groups are superior to others. Racism and discrimination have been used as powerful weapons encouraging fear or hatred of others in times of conflict and war, and even during economic downturns.



In India, there has long been discrimination against what is considered the lowest class in Hinduism, the Dalits, or untouchables, as well as sectarian and religious violence. Although it has been outlawed by the Indian Constitution, the caste system was a way to structure inequality into the system itself. And while outlawed, the social barriers it creates is still prevalent in rural areas where most Indians live. It also features in the view of Hindu extremists and traditionalists.



Team Frieden
Indian Business Academy Lakshmipura, thataguni post, kanakapura main road Bangalore 520032


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